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 Nemu64 Cheats FAQ.
Written By The Gentleman

This should help you with any questions that you might have about
adding & editing Codes in the Cheat Database.
Maximize this window if you are having trouble viewing it.

The Do's & Don'ts' Of Adding & Editing Cheat Codes.

Q: Where do i find cheat codes  to add myself into the Cheat file ?
A: You can find a list of links by clicking 
Emu64cheats link  & then Cheat Sites.

Q: How do i add cheat codes  in Nemu64 ?
A: Click on the 
Adding Cheats  link for a full explanation.
      But please remember that you do not need to add Enable or Keycodes codes.

     These are only to be used on the real Console Cheat devices,  Nemu does not need them.

Q: Can i add, edit & delete cheat codes in Nemu64

     without having to open the cheat file in a text editor ?.
A: Yes nemu will allow you to add, edit & delete through the GUI.
      Click the following for more information on
Adding, Editing, Deleting & Using Cheats

Q: How do i know what cheats are for what region ?
     Also how would i know them from written in the cheat file ?

[JU] = (JU) (1080) these are for NTSC
[JAP]    = (J) (JAPAN) these are for NTSC
(USA)   = (U) (USA) these are for NTSC
(EUR)    = (E) (Europe) these are for PAL
(AUS)   = (A) (Australia) these are for PAL
(GER)    = (G) (Germany) these are for PAL
(FRA)    = (F) (France) these are for PAL

Q: Can i use Stacked Activators for hacked moves, in No Mercy ?
A: No you can't, Nemu64 does not have this ability.

Q: I have seen this Cheat code on a site but it starts with a 50, 88, 89, D0,D1, D2 number.

     Can i use this In the Nemu64 cheat File.
A: No you can not use 50 (Serial Repeater) 88,89 (GS/AR Button Codes) Or D2 (Activator)

      80 (8 Bit) 81 (16 Bit) Cheat Codes, D0 (8 Bit) D1 (16 Bit) Activators you can use.

Q: Is there any codes that i can not use because they are not supported ?
A: Yes, there are Codes that are not supported & all those codes are listed below.

Here is a list of codes that are & not supported.

Supported Codes:   N 6 4 C O D E T Y P E S

Format Description

80-XXXXXX 00YY 8-Bit Constant Write

81-XXXXXX YYYY 16-Bit Constant Write

D0-XXXXXX YYYY 8-Bit If Equal To

D1-XXXXXX YYYY 16-Bit If Equal To

A0-XXXXXX 00YY 8-Bit Constant Write (Uncached)

A1-XXXXXX YYYY 16-Bit Constant Write (Uncached)

Un supported Codes:  N 6 4 C O D E T Y P E S

Format Description

50-00AABB CCCC Serial Repeater

88-XXXXXX 00YY 8-Bit GS Button Write

89-XXXXXX YYYY 16-Bit GS Button Write

D2-XXXXXX YYYY 8-Bit If Not Equal To

D3-XXXXXX YYYY 16-Bit If Not Equal To

CC-000000 0000 Disable Expansion Pak
DD-000000 0000 Disable Expansion Pak
EE-000000 0000 Disable Expansion Pak

DE-XXXXXX 0000 Download & Execute

F0-XXXXXX 00YY 8-Bit Bootup Write Once

F1-XXXXXX YYYY 16-Bit Bootup Write Once

FF-XXXXXX 0000 Store Activated Cheat Codes

Q: I have also seen this message on the (Pal Code) Action Replay sites saying

     "Cant not be used with Equalizer" what is a Equalizer ? & can i still use them in nemu ?
A: The "Equalizer" is a little Sister of the Action Replay cheat device

      but works in just the same way as its big brother does.
The only difference now is, The "AR" is no longer in Production, & the "EQ" still is.
Yes you can use them codes with Nemu64.

Q: Where can i get a full update provided by Emu64 Cheats for Nemu64 ?
A: you can check for updates by clicking  the
Downloads link & then Gsdll & ini link

     If the file is updated that is where it will be along with any previous versions.

Q: How do i use cheat codes in Nemu64 ?
A: For a full Visual Explanation click on the
Using Cheats link.

A Question of regions.

As i always say, & really can not stress enough.
Do not & i mean do not try to add NTSC (U) (Gameshark) Cheat Codes to PAL (E) Games.
You will find both PAL (E) & NTSC (U) Region Cheats on
Emu64cheats then Cheat Sites

If there is something you are still unsure of that isn't covered in the FAQ
Then give us a visit on irc #nemu64cheats on EFnet
or post a question on the
Emu64 Cheats Message Board  On Emutalk.net









:: Cheats FAQ ::