January 1, 2004 - Happy
New Year!
1964 0.9.9 Released
News from Schibo below of the New years release and may I
add a perfectly working cheat system to boot :)
Here's your new year's gift.
1964 v0.9.9 is here.
over one year in private development since the release 1964 0.8.5. and
with over 3 months in beta testing, 1964 0.9.9 features hundreds of fixes
and enhancements. Note: If you have an ATI Radeon video card, Rice's
Video plugin will be unstable for you. Use a different video plugin
This will be fixed in a
new version.
To find out more Visit The
Saturday 21st September 2002
1964 0.8.4 Released
1964 0.8.4 has been released & should be a great one at
that :)
I think Flow over at Emulation 64
said it best about this Release.

1964 0.8.4 Released
Posted by flow
The list of fixes and what's new is too
long to post so you'll have to go to the 1964
Here to
check it out.
Feel free to leave any feedback in the
Official 1964 Board.
Thanks again Schibo, Rice, and the INI and Cheats team!
Friday 24th May 2002
1964 0.8.3 Released
1964 0.8.3 was released but was then
taken off of distribution through it having complications but here are some shots of what
you can look foward to
with our new added cheat support.
Have a peek of some of the new
great features for cheats below
in the form of some WWF No Mercy
Shots that will knock your socks off.
So for now enjoy & we look forward
to maintaining the cheats file
to its highest standard that it
could possibly be.
WWF No Mercy On 1964

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