News January 1, 2004 - Happy New Year! 1964 0.9.9 Released
News from Schibo below of the New years release and may I add a perfectly working cheat system to boot :) Here's your new year's gift. 1964 v0.9.9 is here. With over one year in private development since the release 1964 0.8.5. and with over 3 months in beta testing, 1964 0.9.9 features hundreds of fixes and enhancements. Note: If you have an ATI Radeon video card, Rice's Video plugin will be unstable for you. Use a different video plugin instead. This will be fixed in a new version. To find out more Visit The 1964 Website
Thursday 10th April 2003
Emu64 Cheats Private Development Board Has been Opened to Members
We have decided to Open Our Dev Board to members who are interested In making N64 cheats for themselves or for submission Via a Handy Tool used with Project64 1.5 If this News has you interested Then you are more then Welcome to Join The Board Here
Saturday 18th January 2003
Project64 1.5 .1_beta.cht File Has been Released
We have decided to release this beta as we have added & improved support. To read more you can catch the Post Here
Project64 Cheats.chm v1.0 Has been Released
Introducing the Project64 Cheats.chm v1.0
This Cheats Help chm File was designed for: Users with no internet Connection/or can not stay online long. To read more you can catch the Post Here
Friday 17th January 2003
Welcome to Jnes Cheats We thought it was about time to give this Fantastic Nes Emu A Emucheats Support Site. We hope our visual Step By Step style Guide will help you with all your need to know or wanted to ask Questions to do with cheating in Jnes. To read more you can catch the Post Here
Jnes 0.50 Released.
Jabo Posted the following Message below on the Jnes Forum on emutalk.net This is the release for the 0.50 series. The big things that are new are basically more cheats and nsf-playback was fixed... other than that I tried to just make sure the ui works fine, there was a few small bugs. To read more you can catch the Post Here
Saturday 21st September 2002 1964 0.8.4 Released
1964 0.8.4 has been released & should be a great one at that :) I think Flow over at Emulation 64 said it best about this Release.
1964 0.8.4 Released Posted by flow
The list of fixes and what's new is too long to post so you'll have to go to the 1964 homepage here to check it out Feel free to leave any feedback in the Official 1964 Board.
Thursday 29th August 2002
Project64 1.5 Has been Released
This really is a superb release. There are loads of fantastic fixes & Changes to the entire Project64 look & feel. So make sure you read all the What's new & Readme's.
What else could possibly be new on the cheats front ? well, infact a lot more since Project64 1.5 beta1. To read more click on the PJ64 Cheats Link at the Menu.
Friday 26th July 2002 Walkthroughs & Game Cheats (Punch-in) Sections
To help your game play even more, we have created these sections for further support. Please click on Cheat Sites to get to them.
Friday 24th May 2002 1964 0.8.3 Released [UPDATE]
1964 0.8.3 was released but was then taken off of distribution through it having complications.
Saturday 18th May 2002
Welcome to Emu64 Cheats .
Introducing the Project64 1.5 beta1 (Sporting new cheat options & features of pure delight)
Unlike any other Version of PJ64, 1.5 beta1 has enabled Activators & Serial repeaters to allow cheats to be used just as they should be. Plus with a new Press F9 for the GS/AR Button option, this really is something quite special indeed.
For information on the PJ64 cheats file for either adding or using cheat codes follow the links on the main menu & also take time to read the pj64 cheats FAQ to read more click on the PJ64 Cheats Link at the Menu.